Humans are social animals and thus they need to have people around them in their lives. To fulfill this requirement, human beings form connections with other people throughout their lives. Some connections turn out to be the most important and thus are permanent and some connections are temporary which satisfy human beings for a small period of time and then are gone. Connections lead to commitments, promises, responsibilities and misunderstandings. We as a social being want to always fulfill our requirement but never want to face the circumstamces which accompany the satisfaction. It doesn't matter to what extent a person says they want to be alone, they always need someone to cheer them up and understand their thought process. It is rare to see permanent connections in life. Humans have many connections in the name of relations, the very first relation a human makes is that with there mother which is considered one of the most selfless and pure connection. Then we also come across friendship which is given the utmost priority by people as they want to stay with people similar to them with whom they can share, fight, enjoy and create moments to remember. At times people fake there connections just to hurt someone or to have fun. This is obviously not right but stopping people from faking themselves is a difficult job because it is not easy to figure out that who is true and who is not.Everybody wishes to have good connections with people they can trust but nowadays it has become difficult to find such people. It is very easy to fake youself but hard to stay true to your relations, to your friends, to your family and many more connections where you have to face many difficult circumstances and responsibilities.Humans also have a habbit to choose the easy over the tough and thus we choose to be faking connections and breaking promises and running away from responsibilities rather than facing them.If we wish to have good and the easy served for us, we should also learn to face the difficult and challenging part of it.
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