My friend captioned her picture "Half of me is mine and the rest half is yours", and within moments i could see soo much wrong with that line. It was just a caption, no biggie. But lets face it this is what most of the people think when in love.
But how about we change a few rules.
Half of me is mine and rest is too, you can make good with my love or else you are most welcome to walk out right now.
Now, here is a thing, with time we make mistakes and all this while it has been our fault, even if we don't accept it. Everyone knows it deep down that blaming doesn't help, we only went wrong somewhere which caused us to be in the situation. So eventually we don't like or love ourselves as much as we should. We believe or most girls believe that A NIGHT IN A SHINING ARMOUR will come and fix them, except nobody likes what's broken. And if you love someone else, you are obviously going to expect them to love you back, even if not the same amount because as a human being, the tendency of expectations of someone reciprocating what you feel is going to exist, no matter how much anyone denies but how can you expect someone else to love you when you cannot love yourself ?
So, why wait ?
Be whole for yourself before you let someone else be half of your entity.
Believe in yourself before believing in someone else. Love yourself before loving someone else.



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